Fat to Fit: Welcome to a new lease on life.

Man and woman's torsos I’m about to share how you can live a healthier, happier and more rewarding life.

But first let me start by asking you some of very direct and personal questions.

When you look in the mirror…and really look… do you like what you see? Are you comfortable with how your clothes fit? Do you like how others describe your body? Are you satisfied with your current fitness level? Are you able to do all the activities that you enjoy?

If you said “no” to any or all of the above, I invite you to read on.

If you’re still with me now, you’re probably someone who has tried (possibly many times) to get back in shape and embrace a more active and healthy lifestyle… but weren’t successful. Like many people “life happens” and your plans for a fitter, healthier lifestyle got sidetracked.

You’ve made the New Year’s resolutions that lasted a week or two. You’ve been on the latest diet that started on Monday and ended on Thursday. You’ve bought the miracle pills and supplements that promised you’d “see the fat melt away without dieting or exercise”. Only to discover that the only thing that melted away was your bank account and your self confidence.

You may even be someone who is in fairly good shape but wants to take your fitness to the next level. You may even be looking for ways to achieve personal bests in a sport, competition or a favorite activity. You know what to do but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

If this sounds like you and you’re like me and truly you believe that “It’s never too late for fitness”, this is the right place to be.

Take a moment now to think back to a time when you were in the best shape of your life. Maybe it was a year, 5, 10 or even 20 years or more ago. As you look back to what it was like inside that body, remember how good you felt about yourself and how good it felt to move, be active and play your favorite sports or activities. Remember how others looked at you and what they said about how you looked. Just imagine how much better your health and your life would be now if you could magically transform your current body into the younger healthier body you once had.

Sound impossible? Trust me on this it’s not impossible. I’m living proof that you and almost anybody can transform your body and your heath so that you c20130712_122504an live a healthier, happier and more rewarding life.

 However there is a catch!

You have to want it badly enough to actually do something about it. Still interested? Then let’s get started. In my next post, Ill share my story of how an out of shape 65 year old grandfather with bad wrists, knees, back went from FAT to FIT in 60 days.