Does anyone know any good stomach exercises to lose fat on your stomach?

I need to lose fat on my stomach do you know any good and effective exercises that will help me quickly!!! Please reply!

Chosen Answer:

Hey there, well first of all just to set things straight, there is no such thing as spot fat loss, meaning you cant do anything to lose fat only in a specific spot of your body. Unfortunately for us, our body decides where it is it will burn its fat from… What you can do is increase your physical activity overall (for example, do cardio workouts – run, walk, bike, aerobics, etc – for increased calorie burn, plus add in some ab exercises for toning), while cutting down on your calorie intake. Some good ab exercises are the bicycle, the plank, using a captain’s chair (if you have access to a gym), and various forms of crunches. If you do a google search for any of them, you can find images of proper form on any number of websites. Good luck!
on: 14th November 12