Row Your Way to Fitness

With the variety of exercise equipment out there, you may find it hard to decide what to purchase for your home gym.  One contender may be a rowing machine, as they offer many benefits for those creating an exercise regime.  Here are some of the benefits of rowing machines. Why Rowing Machines? Rowing machines help …

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Walking Your Way to Fitness

For those looking to get into great shape but might not have ever exercised before, walking just might be the perfect option for them. To the uninitiated, walking might seem just too easy to be considered an effective way to lose weight and improve conditioning. Well, walking definitely is easy to do but this does …

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Jump Into Fitness

When you mention jump ropes, your first thought might be of little kids on the playground, skipping and chanting together. If you think about it a bit longer, you might move on from this nostalgic image to picturing pro athletes or boxers training in the gym, or you may even recall having seen someone on …

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