Can Strength Training Help Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes?

A healthy diet and strength training are keys to fighting chronic diseases. There is one thing you should do immediately to lower your risk of contracting heart disease, diabetes and other dangerous illnesses, infections and diseases. Adopt a healthy diet. Depending on the study you read, anywhere from 60% to 75% of your fitness is …

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Fighting Stress with Healthy Eating

Whenever we get too busy or stressed, we all tend to make poor food choices that increases Increase stress and causes other problems.  To get the most of your healthy eating and avoid stress, follow these simple tips. Always eat breakfast Even though you may think you are not hungry, you need to eat something.  Skipping breakfast makes it harder to …

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How HIIT Can Transform Your Body

If you’re looking for a workout that will melt fat leaving you with a lean and fit body in the shortest amount of time, HIIT is where you want to be. The main reason why HIIT has become a near frenzy for the past few years is because it really works. HIIT is the best …

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