60 Year Old Renowned Fitness Expert & Expedia.com Co-Creator Launch Weight Loss Program

60 Year old health and fitness phenom, Warren Honeycutt, and one of Expedia.com’s original creators, Soraya Bittencourt, launch GetHoneycutt.com – a free, personalized weight loss program. At 60 years of age, 225lbs. with only 6-7% body fat, no chronic health conditions and a resting blood pressure of 115/75, Warren Honeycutt is a health and fitness …

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Body by vi Challenge in Weight-loss

Several people suffer from health complications caused by obesity. If you are one of those innumerable people who is trying to shed weight? Have you tried various weight loss programs and weight loss diets and products? Have all your weight loss efforts gone in vain? Are you looking for an effective weight loss program that …

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8 Great Foods That Burn Belly Fat in Fat

No doubt one of the troublesome worries related to health is increasing body weight. Though it is a normal phenomenon that a person tends to put on weight during his early 30s, it becomes a grave concern if it is not checked and limited to the permissible extent. Interestingly the first weight gain starts from …

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